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幡 >朕溝艦銅>呪穣板奄  
薦 鯉 傾婚砺什闘 & 湛 呪穣 板奄ばば 去系析 2008-11-16 11:12:00
拙失切 原精井 繕噺呪 1750

薄仙 跳崎軒走 肉 呪悪馬壱赤澗汽推.

坦製 巷戟 傾婚砺什闘 拝 凶脊艦陥.

薦亜 趨開 慎嬢研 公馬澗走虞 益軒壱 須厩昔引 坦製 企鉢馬澗走虞 巷走 延舌梅澗汽推.

坦製 巷戟 傾婚砺什闘 馬獣澗 悪紫還精 廃 庚舌戚 騨 掩嬢辞... 舘嬢 背汐馬汗虞 硝焼笈奄 毘級醸嬢推 ばば

益軒姥 坦製戚虞 煽亀 企岩亀 公馬壱...

衣引澗 LEVEL1 戚醸嬢推 ばば


薦 原戚凪戚走拭 益 凶 悪紫還臆辞 害奄重 源...


Evaluation 恥汝
She has difficulties in recognizing most of the words, in organizing ideas and expressing her thoughts. One of her expectations is to learn how to express herself using the English language.
Composition Grammar 庚舌姥失
She has poor grammar. She can hardly understand the words like "grade", "sentence" and "mind".
Pronucation 降製
She mispronounced the following words: "grade" as "gradee", "old" as "oldee", "predictable" as "predictabee', "unrecognizable" as "unrecognisabee', "sentence" as "sentencee", "mind" as "mindee", "speak" as "speakee" and "English" as "Englishee".
Recommendation 映壱紫牌

I would like to suggest that she visits www.m-w.com to listen to the spoken pronunciation of the words. For grammar, please study how to use present and past tenses.


中維旋戚希浦推 ばば

益係惟 傾婚砺什闘亜 魁蟹壱...

陥製 劾 湛 呪穣聖 梅嬢推.

level1昔走虞... 焼爽 庁箭馬獣壱 降製亀 設 級軒壱 探探備 源背爽獣澗 識持還戚 嬢辞 杖原蟹 奄纂澗走 侯虞推 ぞぞ

益掘辞 坦製殖 源亀 公梅澗汽, 湛 呪穣凶拭澗 弦戚 源梅嬢推.

識持還戚 切重廃砺 霜庚馬虞益掘辞 鎧亜 霜庚亀馬壱..

焼爽焼爽 習錘 舘嬢稽幻推 ぞぞ

走榎精 搾系 level1戚走幻 叔径聖 弦戚弦戚 潅形辞 魁猿走 臣虞亜憩艦陥.

跳崎軒走肉 鉢戚特!!!

戚穿越 庁姥旭精 畷照敗?~!
陥製越 神潅精 杷球拷戚 郊稽 狭革推
奇越 :
跳崎軒走 (2008-11-21)